Float parade

A grand parade of floats adorned with multicoloured lights will be parading through the streets of the Holiday Village for the enjoyment of young and old alike. On them we will be able to see the resort’s mascots, its characters and artists in a magical parade.

* The Stage of Stars: It will remind you of Broadway because of the thousands of lights that make up the float. On them you will see Felix the cat, the new mascot.

The times and days of the parade vary depending on the time of year, so if you want to enjoy the parades ask us when you come to visit and we will inform you about everything.

These are some of the floats that make up the parade:

* The Castle of Dreams: a castle made up of thousands of lights in which we will see Princess Dalia and the Princes of Fire.

* The Magic of the Circus: clowns, juggling elephants and a lion that will transport you to the magical world of the circus.

* The Magic of the Enchanted Garden: the elves, fairies, fauns and dragons of the Enchanted Garden take to the streets to bring us the magical atmosphere of the leisure park.

* The Stagecoach: arriving directly from the Far West with its cowboys, horses, Indians…

* Characters and artists: all of them are part of the parade, dancing, animating and filling each part of the route with colour and music.

* The Colour of the Butterflies: we could not miss a trip to nature with the beautiful butterflies full of light and colour, and with Iris, the garden mascot who will transport us to a magical world.

* Mysteries of the Sea: Impressive float that transports us to the bottom of the sea, with mermaids, fish, pearls and seahorses. And of course, the mascot Simarina, the star of the seabed in the Holiday City.

* La Perla d’Or: a beautiful pirate galleon on which Tito Lorito, Garfio d’Or and Pirate Meow, the resort’s mascots, sail.

* The Royal Carriage: in which the princesses and princes of the Holiday City ride, who could not be missing from the parade.

* The Dragon: A gigantic dragon with five heads that expel smoke from their mouths. It will transport us to the magical oriental world with its size and fierceness. You will love it.